Saturday, June 22, 2013

protest today in brasilia

Stay tuned for more on the recent protests.  In the interim, this video seems to be a good summary...


tv tower

Following family travel tradition- when in a new place, find the highest point and view the city from above.  From the top of the Torro de TV, I could see most of Brasilia and was able to get my "bearings"  and enjoy the breeze from up top.  

New futebol stadium

View of the government buildings looking east. The twin white buildings at the far end are the  Congresso Nacional, where the protesters have been gathering in Brasilia this week.

Next, I walked over to the U.S. Embassy and had long lunch with a friend of my brother.  What a treat to have a friend waiting for me and a personal tour of the Embassy!  I definitely had a "proud to be an American" moment inside.

I stopped by the beautiful Catedral Metripolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida, and when I realized I had been dozing off on the church pew, decided to head back to the hostel to rest up before the evening.


Friday, June 21, 2013

cathedral of brasilia

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida


bom dia(!)

I love the way people say "bom dia!" as though it is a mini celebration.  In fact, the exclamation mark seems to be a part of the word itself.

Nervous & excited often feel the same and I couldn't quite tell which boat I was in - perhaps a dash of both.  I made a new friend on the airplane and spent several hours chatting about Brazil and the U.S.  We took turns demonstrating different regional accents - both English & Portuguese, and I could not stop laughing at his impressions (and my own).  My southern accent seemed to parallel his Bahian accent.

I also learned how to say "Que diabo... quem projetou esta cidade? Não faz sentido!" (What the hell...who designed this city?  It makes no sense.) - ha!  Brasilia is shaped like an airplane, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, and am about to attempt to navigate my way around here as soon as I finish my cafe com leite.  I am happy :)


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


This blog is my own little corner of the internet to record travel thoughts and pictures.  Thank you for stopping by :)

Today I leave for Brazil, where I will spend the next six weeks exploring the country and participating in life, Brasileiro style!  Stay tuned for updates...

“The best journeys answer questions you didn't even think to ask.” 

... —Yvon Chouinard, 180 Degrees South
